Table of Contents
- ActivityContextInterface
- ActivityOptionsInterface
- A marker interface for ActivityOptions and LocalActivityOptions
- ActivityCompletionClientInterface
- Used to complete asynchronously activities that called {@link
- ClientContextInterface
- ConnectionInterface
- ContextInterface
- ServiceClientInterface
- ScheduleClientInterface
- WorkflowClientInterface
- WorkflowStubInterface
- WorkflowStub is a client side stub to a single workflow instance.
- DataConverterInterface
- PayloadConverterInterface
- ValuesInterface
- ExceptionInterceptorInterface
- Exception interceptor provides the ability to let workflow know if exception should be treated as fatal (stops execution)
or must only fail the task execution (with consecutive retry).
- ActivityInboundInterceptor
- It's recommended to use `ActivityInboundInterceptorTrait` when implementing this interface because
the interface might be extended in the future. The trait will provide forward compatibility.
- GrpcClientInterceptor
- Interceptor intercepts client gRPC calls.
- HeaderInterface
- PipelineProvider
- Provide `Pipeline` of specific type of `Interceptor`.
- WorkflowClientCallsInterceptor
- It's recommended to use `WorkflowClientCallsInterceptorTrait` when implementing this interface because
the interface might be extended in the future. The trait will provide forward compatibility.
- WorkflowInboundCallsInterceptor
- It's recommended to use `WorkflowInboundCallsInterceptorTrait` when implementing this interface because
the interface might be extended in the future. The trait will provide forward compatibility.
- WorkflowOutboundCallsInterceptor
- Interceptor for outbound workflow calls.
- WorkflowOutboundRequestInterceptor
- Intercept a request before it's sent to RoadRunner.
- ActivityInvocationCacheInterface
- DispatcherInterface
- EnvironmentInterface
- LoopInterface
- The interface is responsible for providing an interface for creating an event loop.
- CodecInterface
- CommandInterface
- Carries requests and responses between worker and host process.
- FailureResponseInterface
- Carries requests and responses between worker and host process.
- RequestInterface
- Carries requests and responses between worker and host process.
- ResponseInterface
- Carries requests and responses between worker and host process.
- ServerRequestInterface
- Carries requests and responses between worker and host process.
- ServerResponseInterface
- Carries requests and responses between worker and host process.
- SuccessResponseInterface
- Carries requests and responses between worker and host process.
- HostConnectionInterface
- RPCConnectionInterface
- WorkerFactoryInterface
- The interface is responsible for providing an interface for registering all dependencies and creating a global
event loop.
- WorkerInterface
- Worker manages the execution of workflows and activities within the single TaskQueue. Activity and Workflow processing
will be launched using separate processes.
- ActivityStubInterface
- CancellationScopeInterface
- ChildWorkflowStubInterface
- ExternalWorkflowStubInterface
- ProcessInterface
- ScopedContextInterface
- Handles scope creation.
- WorkflowContextInterface
- WorkflowRunInterface
- Represents a running workflow execution. Can be used to wait for the completion result or error.
- ActivityInfo
- ActivityInfo contains information about currently executing activity.
- ActivityInterface
- Indicates that an interface is an activity interface.
- ActivityMethod
- ActivityOptions
- ActivityOptions stores all activity-specific parameters that will be stored
inside of a context.
- ActivityType
- ActivityType identifies a activity type.
- LocalActivityInterface
- Indicates that an interface is a local activity interface.
- LocalActivityOptions
- LocalActivityOptions stores all local activity-specific parameters that will be stored
inside of a context.
- Activity
- ClientOptions
- Paginator
- Paginator that allows to iterate over all pages.
- RpcRetryOptions
- Note that the history of activity with retry policy will be different:
- ServerCapabilities
- CountWorkflowExecutions
- BaseClient
- Context
- ServiceClient
- StatusCode
- GRPC specific status codes. Sources from Go/GRPC implementation.
- SystemInfoInterceptor
- Calls `GetSystemInfo` on the first invocation of a client method on the current connection to the Temporal service.
- ScheduleAction
- Base class for an action a schedule can take.
- StartWorkflowAction
- Start a new Workflow execution.
- BackfillPeriod
- Describes a time periods and policy and takes Actions as if that time passed by right now, all at once.
- ScheduleActionResult
- Describes the result of a scheduled action.
- ScheduleDescription
- Describes the current Schedule details.
- ScheduleInfo
- ScheduleInfo describes other information about a schedule.
- ScheduleListEntry
- ScheduleListEntry is returned by `listSchedules` method.
- ScheduleListInfo
- Describes information about a schedule list.
- SchedulePolicies
- Schedule policies.
- Schedule
- DTO with complete schedule details.
- ScheduleHandle
- ScheduleOptions
- Options for creating a Schedule.
- CalendarSpec
- CalendarSpec describes an event specification relative to the calendar,
similar to a traditional cron specification, but with labeled fields.
- IntervalSpec
- IntervalSpec matches times that can be expressed as: epoch + n * interval + phase where n is an integer.
- Range
- Range represents a set of integer values, used to match fields of a calendar
time in StructuredCalendarSpec.
- ScheduleSpec
- ScheduleSpec is a complete description of a set of absolute timestamps
(possibly infinite) that an action should occur at.
- ScheduleState
- ScheduleState describes the current state of a Schedule.
- StructuredCalendarSpec
- StructuredCalendarSpec describes an event specification relative to the
calendar, in a form that's easy to work with programmatically. Each field can
be one or more ranges.
- ScheduleUpdate
- An update returned from a schedule updater.
- ScheduleUpdateInput
- Parameter passed to a schedule updater.
- ScheduleClient
- ServerCapabilities
- UpdateHandle
- UpdateHandle is a handle to an update workflow execution request that can be used to get the
status of that update request.
- UpdateOptions
- WaitPolicy
- Specifies to the gRPC server how long the client wants the update-related
RPC call to wait before returning control to the caller.
- CountWorkflowExecutions
- WorkflowClient
- WorkflowOptions
- WorkflowOptions configuration parameters for starting a workflow execution.
- CronSchedule
- CronSchedule - Optional cron schedule for workflow. If a cron schedule is
specified, the workflow will run as a cron based on the schedule. The
scheduling will be based on UTC time. Schedule for next run only happen
after the current run is completed/failed/timeout. If a {@see RetryPolicy}
is also supplied, and the workflow failed or timeout, the workflow will be
retried based on the retry policy. While the workflow is retrying, it won't
schedule its next run. If next schedule is due while workflow is running
(or retrying), then it will skip that schedule. Cron workflow will not stop
until it is terminated or canceled.
- MethodRetry
- Specifies a retry policy for a workflow or activity method. This annotation
applies only to activity or workflow interface methods. For workflows
currently used only for child workflow retries. Not required. When not used
either retries don't happen or they are configured through correspondent
options. If {@see RetryOptions} are present on {@see ActivityOptions} or
{@see ChildWorkflowOptions} the fields that are not default take precedence
over parameters of this attribute/annotation.
- RetryOptions
- Note that the history of activity with retry policy will be different:
- SdkVersion
- BoolValue
- DatetimeValue
- FloatValue
- IntValue
- KeywordListValue
- KeywordValue
- TextValue
- SearchAttributeKey
- ValueSet
- ValueUnset
- TaskQueue
- TypedSearchAttributes
- Uuid
- A static helper class that implements the logic for generating UUID 4 based
on RFC 4122.
- WorkerVersionStamp
- Identifies the version(s) of a worker that processed a task
- BinaryConverter
- Bytes
- Converter
- DataConverter
- EncodedCollection
- Assoc collection of typed values.
- EncodedValues
- List of typed values.
- EncodingKeys
- JsonConverter
- Json converter with the ability to serialize/unserialize DTO objects using JSON.
- NullConverter
- ProtoConverter
- ProtoJsonConverter
- Type
- ActivityCanceledException
- ActivityCompletionException
- ActivityCompletionFailureException
- ActivityNotExistsException
- ActivityWorkerShutdownException
- CanceledException
- RPC call was canceled.
- ServiceClientException
- TimeoutException
- RPC timeout or cancellation.
- WorkflowException
- WorkflowExecutionAlreadyStartedException
- WorkflowFailedException
- WorkflowNotFoundException
- WorkflowQueryException
- WorkflowQueryRejectedException
- WorkflowServiceException
- WorkflowUpdateException
- WorkflowUpdateRPCTimeoutOrCanceledException
- Occurs when an update call times out or is cancelled.
- CompensationException
- DataConverterException
- DoNotCompleteOnResultException
- ExceptionInterceptor
- Exception interceptor provides the ability to let workflow know if exception should be treated as fatal (stops execution)
or must only fail the task execution (with consecutive retry).
- FailedCancellationException
- ActivityFailure
- Represents failures that can cross workflow and activity boundaries.
- ApplicationFailure
- Application failure is used to communicate application specific failures between workflows and
- CanceledFailure
- Represents failures that can cross workflow and activity boundaries.
- ChildWorkflowFailure
- Represents failures that can cross workflow and activity boundaries.
- FailureConverter
- ServerFailure
- Represents failures that can cross workflow and activity boundaries.
- TemporalFailure
- Represents failures that can cross workflow and activity boundaries.
- TerminatedFailure
- Represents failures that can cross workflow and activity boundaries.
- TimeoutFailure
- Represents failures that can cross workflow and activity boundaries.
- IllegalStateException
- InstantiationException
- InvalidArgumentException
- MarshallerException
- OutOfContextException
- ProtocolException
- TemporalException
- TransportException
- WorkflowExecutionFailedException
- ActivityInput
- Header
- Assoc collection of typed values.
- SimplePipelineProvider
- CancelInput
- DescribeInput
- GetResultInput
- QueryInput
- SignalInput
- SignalWithStartInput
- StartInput
- StartUpdateOutput
- TerminateInput
- UpdateInput
- UpdateRef
- The data needed by a client to refer to an previously invoked workflow
execution update process.
- UpdateWithStartInput
- QueryInput
- SignalInput
- UpdateInput
- WorkflowInput
- AwaitInput
- AwaitWithTimeoutInput
- CancelExternalWorkflowInput
- CompleteInput
- ContinueAsNewInput
- ExecuteActivityInput
- ExecuteChildWorkflowInput
- ExecuteLocalActivityInput
- GetVersionInput
- PanicInput
- SideEffectInput
- SignalExternalWorkflowInput
- TimerInput
- UpsertMemoInput
- UpsertSearchAttributesInput
- UpsertTypedSearchAttributesInput
- Promise
- ActivityInvocationFailure
- ActivityInvocationResult
- InMemoryActivityInvocationCache
- RoadRunnerActivityInvocationCache
- ChildWorkflowCancellationType
- Environment
- FeatureFlags
- Feature flags help to smoothly introduce behavior changes that may affect existing workflows.
- ServiceCredentials
- DTO with credential configuration for connecting RoadRunner to the Temporal service.
- Decoder
- Encoder
- JsonCodec
- Decoder
- Encoder
- ProtoCodec
- FailedClientResponse
- Request
- Carries request to perform host action with payloads and failure as context. Can be cancelled if allows
- SuccessClientResponse
- UpdateResponse
- FailureResponse
- Carries failure response.
- ServerRequest
- A request from RoadRunner to the worker.
- ServerResponse
- SuccessResponse
- TickInfo
- CommandBatch
- Carries multiple commands between host and worker process (use proper codec to read command content).
- Goridge
- RoadRunner
- RoadRunnerVersionChecker
- Worker
- Worker manages the execution of workflows and activities within the single TaskQueue. Activity and Workflow processing
will be launched using separate processes.
- WorkerOptions
- WorkerFactory
- WorkerFactory is primary entry point for the temporal application. This class is responsible for the communication
with parent RoadRunner process and can be used to create taskQueue workflow and activity workers.
- ChildWorkflowOptions
- ContinueAsNewOptions
- Mutex
- If a mutex is yielded without calling `lock()`, the Workflow will continue
only when the lock is released.
- QueryMethod
- Indicates that the method is a query method. Query method can be used to
query a workflow state by external process at any time during its execution.
- ResetPointInfo
- ReturnType
- Saga
- SignalMethod
- Indicates that the method is a signal handler method. Signal method is
executed when workflow receives signal. This annotation applies only to
workflow interface methods.
- UpdateContext
- UpdateMethod
- Indicates that the method is an update handler method.
- UpdateValidatorMethod
- Indicates that the method is an update validator handle. An update validator handle is associated
with an update method and runs before the associated update handle. If the update validator
throws an exception, the update handle is not called and the update is not persisted in history.
- WorkflowExecution
- Workflow Execution DTO.
- WorkflowExecutionInfo
- DTO that contains basic information about Workflow Execution.
- WorkflowInfo
- WorkflowInit
- Marks a Workflow constructor to be executed with the {@see WorkflowMethod} arguments.
- WorkflowInterface
- WorkflowMethod
- WorkflowStub
- Helper class used to convert typed workflow stubs to their untyped alternatives to gain access to cancel() and terminate() methods.
- WorkflowType
- WorkflowType identifies a workflow type.
- Workflow
- This class provides coroutine specific access to active WorkflowContext. It is safe to use this Facade inside
your helper classes.
- ActivityInboundInterceptorTrait
- Trait that provides a default interceptor implementation.
- WorkflowClientCallsInterceptorTrait
- Trait that provides a default interceptor implementation.
- WorkflowInboundCallsInterceptorTrait
- Trait that provides a default interceptor implementation.
- WorkflowOutboundCallsInterceptorTrait
- Trait that provides a default interceptor implementation.
- WorkflowOutboundRequestInterceptorTrait
- Trait that provides a default interceptor implementation.
- RequestTrait
- ActivityCancellationType
- Defines behaviour of the parent workflow when `CancellationScope` that
wraps child workflow execution request is canceled.
- ConnectionState
- ScheduleOverlapPolicy
- Controls what happens when a workflow would be started by a schedule, and is already running.
- LifecycleStage
- Specified by clients invoking workflow execution updates and used to indicate to the
server how long the client wishes to wait for a return value from the RPC.
- IdReusePolicy
- Defines how new runs of a workflow with a particular ID may or may not be allowed. Note that
it is *never* valid to have two actively running instances of the same workflow id.
- WorkflowIdConflictPolicy
- Defines what to do when trying to start a workflow with the same workflow id as a *running* workflow.
- WorkflowPanicPolicy
- ChildWorkflowCancellationType
- Defines the behavior of the parent workflow when a CancellationScope that
wraps child workflow execution request is canceled.
- HandlerUnfinishedPolicy
- Actions taken if a workflow terminates with running handlers.
- ParentClosePolicy
- WorkflowExecutionStatus
- Workflow execution status.