Table of Contents
- CalendarSpec
- CalendarSpec describes an event specification relative to the calendar,
similar to a traditional cron specification, but with labeled fields.
- IntervalSpec
- IntervalSpec matches times that can be expressed as: epoch + n * interval + phase where n is an integer.
- Range
- Range represents a set of integer values, used to match fields of a calendar
time in StructuredCalendarSpec.
- ScheduleSpec
- ScheduleSpec is a complete description of a set of absolute timestamps
(possibly infinite) that an action should occur at.
- ScheduleState
- ScheduleState describes the current state of a Schedule.
- StructuredCalendarSpec
- StructuredCalendarSpec describes an event specification relative to the
calendar, in a form that's easy to work with programmatically. Each field can
be one or more ranges.