
in package


DateIntervalValue from DateInterval

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$deadlockDetectionTimeout  : DateInterval|null
Optional: If set defines maximum amount of time that workflow task will be allowed to run.
$disableEagerActivities  : bool
Optional: Disable eager activities. If set to true, activities will not be requested to execute eagerly from the same workflow regardless of {@see self::$maxConcurrentEagerActivityExecutionSize}.
$disableRegistrationAliasing  : bool
Optional: Disable allowing workflow and activity functions that are registered with custom names from being able to be called with their function references.
$disableWorkflowWorker  : bool
Optional: If set to true, a workflow worker is not started for this worker and workflows cannot be registered with this worker. Use this if you only want your worker to execute activities.
$enableLoggingInReplay  : bool
Optional: Enable logging in replay.
$enableSessionWorker  : bool
Optional: Enable running session workers.
$identity  : string
Optional: If set overwrites the client level Identify value.
$localActivityWorkerOnly  : bool
Optional: If set to true worker would only handle workflow tasks and local activities.
$maxConcurrentActivityExecutionSize  : int
Optional: To set the maximum concurrent activity executions this worker can have.
$maxConcurrentActivityTaskPollers  : int
Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve activity tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue.
$maxConcurrentEagerActivityExecutionSize  : int
Optional: Maximum number of eager activities that can be running.
$maxConcurrentLocalActivityExecutionSize  : int
Optional: To set the maximum concurrent local activity executions this worker can have.
$maxConcurrentNexusTaskExecutionSize  : int
Optional: Sets the maximum concurrent nexus task executions this worker can have.
$maxConcurrentNexusTaskPollers  : int
Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve nexus tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue.
$maxConcurrentSessionExecutionSize  : int
Optional: Sets the maximum number of concurrently running sessions the resource supports.
$maxConcurrentWorkflowTaskExecutionSize  : int
Optional: To set the maximum concurrent workflow task executions this worker can have.
$maxConcurrentWorkflowTaskPollers  : int
Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve workflow tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue. Due to internal logic where pollers alternate between stick and non-sticky queues, this value cannot be 1 and will panic if set to that value.
$maxHeartbeatThrottleInterval  : DateInterval|null
Optional: The default amount of time between sending each pending heartbeat to the server.
$sessionResourceId  : string|null
Optional: The identifier of the resource consumed by sessions.
$stickyScheduleToStartTimeout  : DateInterval|null
Optional: Sticky schedule to start timeout.
$taskQueueActivitiesPerSecond  : float
Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of activities that can be executed per second.
$workerActivitiesPerSecond  : float
Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of activities that can be executed per second per worker. This can be used to limit resources used by the worker.
$workerLocalActivitiesPerSecond  : float
Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of local activities that can be executed per second per worker. This can be used to limit resources used by the worker.
$workerStopTimeout  : DateInterval|null
Optional: worker graceful stop timeout.
$workflowPanicPolicy  : WorkflowPanicPolicy
Optional: Sets how workflow worker deals with non-deterministic history events (presumably arising from non-deterministic workflow definitions or non-backward compatible workflow definition changes) and other panics raised from workflow code.


new()  : self
withDeadlockDetectionTimeout()  : self
Optional: If set defines maximum amount of time that workflow task will be allowed to run.
withDisableEagerActivities()  : self
Optional: Disable eager activities. If set to true, activities will not be requested to execute eagerly from the same workflow regardless of {@see self::$maxConcurrentEagerActivityExecutionSize}.
withDisableRegistrationAliasing()  : self
Optional: Disable allowing workflow and activity functions that are registered with custom names from being able to be called with their function references.
withDisableWorkflowWorker()  : self
Optional: If set to true, a workflow worker is not started for this worker and workflows cannot be registered with this worker. Use this if you only want your worker to execute activities.
withEnableLoggingInReplay()  : self
Optional: Enable logging in replay.
withEnableSessionWorker()  : self
Optional: Enable running session workers.
withIdentity()  : self
Optional: If set overwrites the client level Identify value.
withLocalActivityWorkerOnly()  : self
Optional: If set to true worker would only handle workflow tasks and local activities.
withMaxConcurrentActivityExecutionSize()  : self
Optional: To set the maximum concurrent activity executions this worker can have.
withMaxConcurrentActivityTaskPollers()  : self
Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve activity tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue.
withMaxConcurrentEagerActivityExecutionSize()  : self
Optional: Maximum number of eager activities that can be running.
withMaxConcurrentLocalActivityExecutionSize()  : self
Optional: To set the maximum concurrent local activity executions this worker can have.
withMaxConcurrentNexusTaskExecutionSize()  : self
Optional: Sets the maximum concurrent nexus task executions this worker can have.
withMaxConcurrentNexusTaskPollers()  : self
Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve nexus tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue.
withMaxConcurrentSessionExecutionSize()  : self
Optional: Sets the maximum number of concurrently running sessions the resource support.
withMaxConcurrentWorkflowTaskExecutionSize()  : self
Optional: To set the maximum concurrent workflow task executions this worker can have.
withMaxConcurrentWorkflowTaskPollers()  : self
Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve workflow tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue. Due to internal logic where pollers alternate between stick and non-sticky queues, this value cannot be 1 and will panic if set to that value.
withMaxHeartbeatThrottleInterval()  : self
Optional: The default amount of time between sending each pending heartbeat to the server.
withSessionResourceId()  : self
Optional: The identifier of the resource consumed by sessions.
withStickyScheduleToStartTimeout()  : self
Optional: Sticky schedule to start timeout.
withTaskQueueActivitiesPerSecond()  : self
Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of activities that can be executed per second.
withWorkerActivitiesPerSecond()  : self
Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of activities that can be executed per second per worker. This can be used to limit resources used by the worker.
withWorkerLocalActivitiesPerSecond()  : self
Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of local activities that can be executed per second per worker. This can be used to limit resources used by the worker.
withWorkerStopTimeout()  : self
Optional: worker graceful stop timeout.
withWorkflowPanicPolicy()  : self
Optional: Sets how workflow worker deals with non-deterministic history events (presumably arising from non-deterministic workflow definitions or non-backward compatible workflow definition changes) and other panics raised from workflow code.



Optional: If set defines maximum amount of time that workflow task will be allowed to run.

public DateInterval|null $deadlockDetectionTimeout = null

Default: 1 sec.


Optional: Disable eager activities. If set to true, activities will not be requested to execute eagerly from the same workflow regardless of {@see self::$maxConcurrentEagerActivityExecutionSize}.

public bool $disableEagerActivities = false

Eager activity execution means the server returns requested eager activities directly from the workflow task back to this worker which is faster than non-eager which may be dispatched to a separate worker.


Eager activities will automatically be disabled if self::$taskQueueActivitiesPerSecond is set.


Optional: Disable allowing workflow and activity functions that are registered with custom names from being able to be called with their function references.

public bool $disableRegistrationAliasing = false

Users are strongly recommended to set this as true if they register any workflow or activity functions with custom names. By leaving this as false, the historical default, ambiguity can occur between function names and aliased names when not using string names when executing child workflow or activities.


Optional: If set to true, a workflow worker is not started for this worker and workflows cannot be registered with this worker. Use this if you only want your worker to execute activities.

public bool $disableWorkflowWorker = false


Optional: Enable logging in replay.

public bool $enableLoggingInReplay = false

In the workflow code you can use workflow.GetLogger(ctx) to write logs. By default, the logger will skip log entry during replay mode so you won't see duplicate logs. This option will enable the logging in replay mode. This is only useful for debugging purpose.


Optional: Enable running session workers.

public bool $enableSessionWorker = false

Session workers is for activities within a session. Enable this option to allow worker to process sessions.


Optional: If set overwrites the client level Identify value.

public string $identity = ''

default: client identity


Optional: If set to true worker would only handle workflow tasks and local activities.

public bool $localActivityWorkerOnly = false

Non-local activities will not be executed by this worker.


Optional: To set the maximum concurrent activity executions this worker can have.

public int $maxConcurrentActivityExecutionSize = 0

The zero value of this uses the default value.


Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve activity tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue.

public int $maxConcurrentActivityTaskPollers = 0


Optional: Maximum number of eager activities that can be running.

public int $maxConcurrentEagerActivityExecutionSize = 0

When non-zero, eager activity execution will not be requested for activities schedule by the workflow if it would cause the total number of running eager activities to exceed this value. For example, if this is set to 1000 and there are already 998 eager activities executing and a workflow task schedules 3 more, only the first 2 will request eager execution.

The default of 0 means unlimited and therefore only bound by self::$maxConcurrentActivityExecutionSize.


for a description of eager activity execution.


Optional: To set the maximum concurrent local activity executions this worker can have.

public int $maxConcurrentLocalActivityExecutionSize = 0

The zero value of this uses the default value.


Optional: Sets the maximum concurrent nexus task executions this worker can have.

public int $maxConcurrentNexusTaskExecutionSize = 0

The zero value of this uses the default value.


Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve nexus tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue.

public int $maxConcurrentNexusTaskPollers = 0


Optional: Sets the maximum number of concurrently running sessions the resource supports.

public int $maxConcurrentSessionExecutionSize = 1000


Optional: To set the maximum concurrent workflow task executions this worker can have.

public int $maxConcurrentWorkflowTaskExecutionSize = 0

The zero value of this uses the default value. Due to internal logic where pollers alternate between stick and non-sticky queues, this value cannot be 1 and will panic if set to that value.


Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve workflow tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue. Due to internal logic where pollers alternate between stick and non-sticky queues, this value cannot be 1 and will panic if set to that value.

public int $maxConcurrentWorkflowTaskPollers = 0


Optional: The default amount of time between sending each pending heartbeat to the server.

public DateInterval|null $maxHeartbeatThrottleInterval = null

This is used if the ActivityOptions do not provide a HeartbeatTimeout. Otherwise, the interval becomes a value a bit smaller than the given HeartbeatTimeout.

Default: 30 seconds


Optional: The identifier of the resource consumed by sessions.

public string|null $sessionResourceId = null

It's the user's responsibility to ensure there's only one worker using this resourceID.

For now, if user doesn't specify one, a new uuid will be used as the resourceID.


Optional: Sticky schedule to start timeout.

public DateInterval|null $stickyScheduleToStartTimeout = null

The resolution is seconds.

Sticky Execution is to run the workflow tasks for one workflow execution on same worker host. This is an optimization for workflow execution. When sticky execution is enabled, worker keeps the workflow state in memory. New workflow task contains the new history events will be dispatched to the same worker. If this worker crashes, the sticky workflow task will timeout after StickyScheduleToStartTimeout, and temporal server will clear the stickiness for that workflow execution and automatically reschedule a new workflow task that is available for any worker to pick up and resume the progress.

Default: 5s


Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of activities that can be executed per second.

public float $taskQueueActivitiesPerSecond = 0

This is managed by the server and controls activities per second for your entire taskqueue whereas WorkerActivityTasksPerSecond controls activities only per worker.

Notice that the number is represented in float, so that you can set it to less than 1 if needed. For example, set the number to 0.1 means you want your activity to be executed once for every 10 seconds. This can be used to protect down stream services from flooding.

The zero value of this uses the default value.


Setting this to a non zero value will also disable eager activities.


Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of activities that can be executed per second per worker. This can be used to limit resources used by the worker.

public float $workerActivitiesPerSecond = 0

Notice that the number is represented in float, so that you can set it to less than 1 if needed. For example, set the number to 0.1 means you want your activity to be executed once for every 10 seconds. This can be used to protect down stream services from flooding. The zero value of this uses the default value.


Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of local activities that can be executed per second per worker. This can be used to limit resources used by the worker.

public float $workerLocalActivitiesPerSecond = 0

Notice that the number is represented in float, so that you can set it to less than 1 if needed. For example, set the number to 0.1 means you want your local activity to be executed once for every 10 seconds. This can be used to protect down stream services from flooding.

The zero value of this uses the default value.


Optional: worker graceful stop timeout.

public DateInterval|null $workerStopTimeout = null


Optional: Sets how workflow worker deals with non-deterministic history events (presumably arising from non-deterministic workflow definitions or non-backward compatible workflow definition changes) and other panics raised from workflow code.

public WorkflowPanicPolicy $workflowPanicPolicy = \Temporal\Worker\WorkflowPanicPolicy::BlockWorkflow



Optional: If set defines maximum amount of time that workflow task will be allowed to run.

public withDeadlockDetectionTimeout(DateIntervalValue $timeout) : self

Default: 1 sec.

$timeout : DateIntervalValue


Return values


Optional: Disable eager activities. If set to true, activities will not be requested to execute eagerly from the same workflow regardless of {@see self::$maxConcurrentEagerActivityExecutionSize}.

public withDisableEagerActivities([bool $disable = true ]) : self

Eager activity execution means the server returns requested eager activities directly from the workflow task back to this worker which is faster than non-eager which may be dispatched to a separate worker.

$disable : bool = true

Eager activities will automatically be disabled if self::$taskQueueActivitiesPerSecond is set.

Return values


Optional: Disable allowing workflow and activity functions that are registered with custom names from being able to be called with their function references.

public withDisableRegistrationAliasing([bool $disable = true ]) : self

Users are strongly recommended to set this as true if they register any workflow or activity functions with custom names. By leaving this as false, the historical default, ambiguity can occur between function names and aliased names when not using string names when executing child workflow or activities.

$disable : bool = true
Return values


Optional: If set to true, a workflow worker is not started for this worker and workflows cannot be registered with this worker. Use this if you only want your worker to execute activities.

public withDisableWorkflowWorker([bool $disable = true ]) : self
$disable : bool = true
Return values


Optional: Enable logging in replay.

public withEnableLoggingInReplay([bool $enable = true ]) : self

In the workflow code you can use workflow.GetLogger(ctx) to write logs. By default, the logger will skip log entry during replay mode so you won't see duplicate logs. This option will enable the logging in replay mode. This is only useful for debugging purpose.

$enable : bool = true
Return values


Optional: Enable running session workers.

public withEnableSessionWorker([bool $enable = true ]) : self

Session workers is for activities within a session. Enable this option to allow worker to process sessions.

$enable : bool = true
Return values


Optional: If set overwrites the client level Identify value.

public withIdentity(non-empty-string $identity) : self

default: client identity

$identity : non-empty-string
Return values


Optional: If set to true worker would only handle workflow tasks and local activities.

public withLocalActivityWorkerOnly([bool $localOnly = true ]) : self

Non-local activities will not be executed by this worker.

$localOnly : bool = true
Return values


Optional: To set the maximum concurrent activity executions this worker can have.

public withMaxConcurrentActivityExecutionSize(int<0, max> $size) : self

The zero value of this uses the default value.

$size : int<0, max>


Return values


Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve activity tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue.

public withMaxConcurrentActivityTaskPollers(int<0, max> $pollers) : self
$pollers : int<0, max>


Return values


Optional: Maximum number of eager activities that can be running.

public withMaxConcurrentEagerActivityExecutionSize(int $size) : self

When non-zero, eager activity execution will not be requested for activities schedule by the workflow if it would cause the total number of running eager activities to exceed this value. For example, if this is set to 1000 and there are already 998 eager activities executing and a workflow task schedules 3 more, only the first 2 will request eager execution.

The default of 0 means unlimited and therefore only bound by self::$maxConcurrentActivityExecutionSize.

$size : int

for a description of eager activity execution.

Return values


Optional: To set the maximum concurrent local activity executions this worker can have.

public withMaxConcurrentLocalActivityExecutionSize(int<0, max> $size) : self

The zero value of this uses the default value.

$size : int<0, max>


Return values


Optional: Sets the maximum concurrent nexus task executions this worker can have.

public withMaxConcurrentNexusTaskExecutionSize(int<0, max> $size) : self

The zero value of this uses the default value.

$size : int<0, max>
Return values


Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve nexus tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue.

public withMaxConcurrentNexusTaskPollers(int<0, max> $pollers) : self
$pollers : int<0, max>
Return values


Optional: Sets the maximum number of concurrently running sessions the resource support.

public withMaxConcurrentSessionExecutionSize(int<0, max> $size) : self
$size : int<0, max>


Return values


Optional: To set the maximum concurrent workflow task executions this worker can have.

public withMaxConcurrentWorkflowTaskExecutionSize(int<0, max> $size) : self

The zero value of this uses the default value. Due to internal logic where pollers alternate between stick and non-sticky queues, this value cannot be 1 and will panic if set to that value.

$size : int<0, max>


Return values


Optional: Sets the maximum number of goroutines that will concurrently poll the temporal-server to retrieve workflow tasks. Changing this value will affect the rate at which the worker is able to consume tasks from a task queue. Due to internal logic where pollers alternate between stick and non-sticky queues, this value cannot be 1 and will panic if set to that value.

public withMaxConcurrentWorkflowTaskPollers(int<0, max> $pollers) : self
$pollers : int<0, max>


Return values


Optional: The default amount of time between sending each pending heartbeat to the server.

public withMaxHeartbeatThrottleInterval(DateIntervalValue $interval) : self

This is used if the ActivityOptions do not provide a HeartbeatTimeout. Otherwise, the interval becomes a value a bit smaller than the given HeartbeatTimeout.

Default: 30 seconds

$interval : DateIntervalValue


Return values


Optional: The identifier of the resource consumed by sessions.

public withSessionResourceId(string|null $identifier) : self

It's the user's responsibility to ensure there's only one worker using this resourceID.

For now, if user doesn't specify one, a new uuid will be used as the resourceID.

$identifier : string|null
Return values


Optional: Sticky schedule to start timeout.

public withStickyScheduleToStartTimeout(DateIntervalValue $timeout) : self

Sticky Execution is to run the workflow tasks for one workflow execution on same worker host. This is an optimization for workflow execution. When sticky execution is enabled, worker keeps the workflow state in memory. New workflow task contains the new history events will be dispatched to the same worker. If this worker crashes, the sticky workflow task will timeout after StickyScheduleToStartTimeout, and temporal server will clear the stickiness for that workflow execution and automatically reschedule a new workflow task that is available for any worker to pick up and resume the progress.

$timeout : DateIntervalValue


Return values


Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of activities that can be executed per second.

public withTaskQueueActivitiesPerSecond(float $interval) : self

This is managed by the server and controls activities per second for your entire taskqueue whereas WorkerActivityTasksPerSecond controls activities only per worker.

Notice that the number is represented in float, so that you can set it to less than 1 if needed. For example, set the number to 0.1 means you want your activity to be executed once for every 10 seconds. This can be used to protect down stream services from flooding.

The zero value of this uses the default value.

$interval : float

Setting this to a non zero value will also disable eager activities.



Return values


Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of activities that can be executed per second per worker. This can be used to limit resources used by the worker.

public withWorkerActivitiesPerSecond(float $interval) : self

Notice that the number is represented in float, so that you can set it to less than 1 if needed. For example, set the number to 0.1 means you want your activity to be executed once for every 10 seconds. This can be used to protect down stream services from flooding. The zero value of this uses the default value.

$interval : float


Return values


Optional: Sets the rate limiting on number of local activities that can be executed per second per worker. This can be used to limit resources used by the worker.

public withWorkerLocalActivitiesPerSecond(float $interval) : self

Notice that the number is represented in float, so that you can set it to less than 1 if needed. For example, set the number to 0.1 means you want your local activity to be executed once for every 10 seconds. This can be used to protect down stream services from flooding.

The zero value of this uses the default value.

$interval : float


Return values


Optional: worker graceful stop timeout.

public withWorkerStopTimeout(DateIntervalValue $timeout) : self
$timeout : DateIntervalValue


Return values


Optional: Sets how workflow worker deals with non-deterministic history events (presumably arising from non-deterministic workflow definitions or non-backward compatible workflow definition changes) and other panics raised from workflow code.

public withWorkflowPanicPolicy(WorkflowPanicPolicy $policy) : self
$policy : WorkflowPanicPolicy
Return values

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