
WorkflowOptions extends Options
in package


WorkflowOptions configuration parameters for starting a workflow execution.


DateIntervalValue from DateInterval


Table of Contents


$cronSchedule  : string|null
Optional cron schedule for workflow.
$eagerStart  : bool
Eager Workflow Dispatch is a mechanism that minimizes the duration from starting a workflow to the processing of the first workflow task, making Temporal more suitable for latency sensitive applications.
$memo  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Optional non-indexed info that will be shown in list workflow.
$retryOptions  : RetryOptions|null
Optional retry policy for workflow. If a retry policy is specified, in case of workflow failure server will start new workflow execution if needed based on the retry policy.
$searchAttributes  : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Optional indexed info that can be used in query of List/Scan/Count workflow APIs (only supported when Temporal server is using ElasticSearch). The key and value type must be registered on Temporal server side.
$taskQueue  : string
The workflow tasks of the workflow are scheduled on the queue with this name. This is also the name of the activity task queue on which activities are scheduled.
$typedSearchAttributes  : TypedSearchAttributes|null
Optional indexed info that can be used in query of List/Scan/Count workflow APIs (only supported when Temporal server is using ElasticSearch). The key and value type must be registered on Temporal server side.
$workflowExecutionTimeout  : DateInterval
The timeout for duration of workflow execution.
$workflowId  : string
The business identifier of the workflow execution.
$workflowIdConflictPolicy  : WorkflowIdConflictPolicy
Defines how to resolve an ID conflict with a *running* workflow.
$workflowIdReusePolicy  : int
Whether server allow reuse of workflow ID.
$workflowRunTimeout  : DateInterval
The timeout for duration of a single workflow run.
$workflowStartDelay  : DateInterval
Time to wait before dispatching the first Workflow task.
$workflowTaskTimeout  : DateInterval
The timeout for processing workflow task from the time the worker pulled this task. If a workflow task is lost, it is retried after this timeout.


__construct()  : mixed
mergeWith()  : self
withCronSchedule()  : $this
withEagerStart()  : $this
Eager Workflow Dispatch is a mechanism that minimizes the duration from starting a workflow to the processing of the first workflow task, making Temporal more suitable for latency sensitive applications.
withMemo()  : $this
Specifies additional non-indexed information in result of list workflow.
withRetryOptions()  : $this
RetryOptions that define how child workflow is retried in case of failure. Default is null which is no reties.
withSearchAttributes()  : $this
Specifies additional indexed information in result of list workflow.
withTaskQueue()  : $this
Task queue to use for workflow tasks. It should match a task queue specified when creating a {@see Worker} that hosts the workflow code.
withTypedSearchAttributes()  : self
Specifies Search Attributes that will be attached to the Workflow.
withWorkflowExecutionTimeout()  : $this
The maximum time that parent workflow is willing to wait for a child execution (which includes retries and continue as new calls). If exceeded the child is automatically terminated by the Temporal service.
withWorkflowId()  : $this
Workflow id to use when starting. If not specified a UUID is generated.
withWorkflowIdConflictPolicy()  : $this
Defines how to resolve an ID conflict with a *running* workflow.
withWorkflowIdReusePolicy()  : $this
Specifies server behavior if a *closed* workflow with the same id exists.
withWorkflowRunTimeout()  : $this
The time after which workflow run is automatically terminated by the Temporal service. Do not rely on the run timeout for business level timeouts. It is preferred to use in workflow timers for this purpose.
withWorkflowStartDelay()  : $this
Time to wait before dispatching the first Workflow task.
withWorkflowTaskTimeout()  : $this
Maximum execution time of a single workflow task. Default is 10 seconds.



Eager Workflow Dispatch is a mechanism that minimizes the duration from starting a workflow to the processing of the first workflow task, making Temporal more suitable for latency sensitive applications.

public bool $eagerStart = false


Optional non-indexed info that will be shown in list workflow.

public array<string|int, mixed>|null $memo = null

array<string, mixed>|null


Optional retry policy for workflow. If a retry policy is specified, in case of workflow failure server will start new workflow execution if needed based on the retry policy.

public RetryOptions|null $retryOptions = null


Optional indexed info that can be used in query of List/Scan/Count workflow APIs (only supported when Temporal server is using ElasticSearch). The key and value type must be registered on Temporal server side.

public array<string|int, mixed>|null $searchAttributes = null

array<non-empty-string, mixed>|null


The workflow tasks of the workflow are scheduled on the queue with this name. This is also the name of the activity task queue on which activities are scheduled.

public string $taskQueue = \Temporal\Worker\WorkerFactoryInterface::DEFAULT_TASK_QUEUE

The workflow author can choose to override this using activity options.


Optional indexed info that can be used in query of List/Scan/Count workflow APIs (only supported when Temporal server is using ElasticSearch). The key and value type must be registered on Temporal server side.

public TypedSearchAttributes|null $typedSearchAttributes = null


The timeout for duration of workflow execution.

public DateInterval $workflowExecutionTimeout

It includes retries and continue as new. Use $workflowRunTimeout to limit execution time of a single workflow run.

Optional: defaulted to 10 years.


The business identifier of the workflow execution.

public string $workflowId


Defines how to resolve an ID conflict with a *running* workflow.

public WorkflowIdConflictPolicy $workflowIdConflictPolicy = \Temporal\Common\WorkflowIdConflictPolicy::Unspecified


Whether server allow reuse of workflow ID.

public int $workflowIdReusePolicy = \Temporal\Common\IdReusePolicy::POLICY_ALLOW_DUPLICATE_FAILED_ONLY

Can be useful for deduplication logic if set to IdReusePolicy::POLICY_REJECT_DUPLICATE.




The timeout for duration of a single workflow run.

public DateInterval $workflowRunTimeout

Optional: defaulted to $workflowExecutionTimeout.


Time to wait before dispatching the first Workflow task.

public DateInterval $workflowStartDelay


The timeout for processing workflow task from the time the worker pulled this task. If a workflow task is lost, it is retried after this timeout.

public DateInterval $workflowTaskTimeout

Optional: defaulted to no limit



public withCronSchedule(string|null $expression) : $this
$expression : string|null
Return values


Eager Workflow Dispatch is a mechanism that minimizes the duration from starting a workflow to the processing of the first workflow task, making Temporal more suitable for latency sensitive applications.

public withEagerStart([bool $value = true ]) : $this

Eager Workflow Dispatch can be enabled if the server supports it and a local worker is available the task is fed directly to the worker.

$value : bool = true
Return values


Specifies additional non-indexed information in result of list workflow.

public withMemo(array<string|int, mixed>|null $memo) : $this
$memo : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


RetryOptions that define how child workflow is retried in case of failure. Default is null which is no reties.

public withRetryOptions(RetryOptions|null $options) : $this
$options : RetryOptions|null
Return values


Specifies additional indexed information in result of list workflow.

public withSearchAttributes(array<string|int, mixed>|null $searchAttributes) : $this

The search attributes can be used in query of List/Scan/Count workflow APIs. The key and its value type must be registered on Temporal server side.

$searchAttributes : array<string|int, mixed>|null
Return values


Task queue to use for workflow tasks. It should match a task queue specified when creating a {@see Worker} that hosts the workflow code.

public withTaskQueue(string $taskQueue) : $this
$taskQueue : string
Return values


Specifies Search Attributes that will be attached to the Workflow.

public withTypedSearchAttributes(TypedSearchAttributes $attributes) : self

Search Attributes are additional indexed information attributed to workflow and used for search and visibility.

The search attributes can be used in query of List/Scan/Count workflow APIs. The key and its value type must be registered on Temporal server side.

$attributes : TypedSearchAttributes
Return values


The maximum time that parent workflow is willing to wait for a child execution (which includes retries and continue as new calls). If exceeded the child is automatically terminated by the Temporal service.

public withWorkflowExecutionTimeout(DateIntervalValue $timeout) : $this
$timeout : DateIntervalValue


Return values


Workflow id to use when starting. If not specified a UUID is generated.

public withWorkflowId(string $workflowId) : $this

Note that it is dangerous as in case of client side retries no deduplication will happen based on the generated id. So prefer assigning business meaningful ids if possible.

$workflowId : string
Return values


Specifies server behavior if a *closed* workflow with the same id exists.

public withWorkflowIdReusePolicy(IdReusePolicy|int $policy) : $this

Note that under no conditions Temporal allows two workflows with the same namespace and workflow id run simultaneously.

$policy : IdReusePolicy|int


Return values


The time after which workflow run is automatically terminated by the Temporal service. Do not rely on the run timeout for business level timeouts. It is preferred to use in workflow timers for this purpose.

public withWorkflowRunTimeout(DateIntervalValue $timeout) : $this
$timeout : DateIntervalValue


Return values


Time to wait before dispatching the first Workflow task.

public withWorkflowStartDelay(DateIntervalValue $delay) : $this

If the Workflow gets a Signal before the delay, a Workflow task will be dispatched and the rest of the delay will be ignored. A Signal from WorkflowClientInterface::startWithSignal() won't trigger a workflow task. Cannot be set the same time as a $cronSchedule.

$delay : DateIntervalValue


Return values


Maximum execution time of a single workflow task. Default is 10 seconds.

public withWorkflowTaskTimeout(DateIntervalValue $timeout) : $this

Maximum accepted value is 60 seconds.

$timeout : DateIntervalValue


Return values

On this page

Search results