
in package


ScheduleInfo describes other information about a schedule.


Table of Contents


$createdAt  : DateTimeImmutable
When the schedule was created.
$lastUpdateAt  : DateTimeImmutable|null
When a schedule was last updated.
$nextActionTimes  : array<string|int, DateTimeImmutable>
Next 10 scheduled Action times.
$numActions  : int<0, max>
Number of actions taken by this schedule.
$numActionsMissedCatchupWindow  : int
Number of times a scheduled Action was skipped due to missing the catchup window.
$numActionsSkippedOverlap  : int
Number of Actions skipped due to overlap.
$recentActions  : array<string|int, ScheduleActionResult>
Most recent 10 Actions started (including manual triggers).
$runningWorkflows  : WorkflowExecution
Currently-running workflows started by this schedule. (There might be more than one if the overlap policy allows overlaps.)


__construct()  : mixed
The DTO is a result of a query, so it is not possible to create it manually.


$createdAt read-only

When the schedule was created.

public DateTimeImmutable $createdAt

$lastUpdateAt read-only

When a schedule was last updated.

public DateTimeImmutable|null $lastUpdateAt

$nextActionTimes read-only

Next 10 scheduled Action times.

public array<string|int, DateTimeImmutable> $nextActionTimes

$numActions read-only

Number of actions taken by this schedule.

public int<0, max> $numActions

$numActionsMissedCatchupWindow read-only

Number of times a scheduled Action was skipped due to missing the catchup window.

public int $numActionsMissedCatchupWindow

$numActionsSkippedOverlap read-only

Number of Actions skipped due to overlap.

public int $numActionsSkippedOverlap

$recentActions read-only

Most recent 10 Actions started (including manual triggers).

public array<string|int, ScheduleActionResult> $recentActions

Sorted from older start time to newer.

$runningWorkflows read-only

Currently-running workflows started by this schedule. (There might be more than one if the overlap policy allows overlaps.)

public WorkflowExecution $runningWorkflows



The DTO is a result of a query, so it is not possible to create it manually.

private __construct() : mixed

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