
in package


Describes the current Schedule details.


Table of Contents


$conflictToken  : string
This value can be passed back to UpdateSchedule to ensure that the schedule was not modified between a Describe and an Update, which could lead to lost updates and other confusion.
$info  : ScheduleInfo
Extra schedule state info.
$memo  : EncodedCollection
Non-indexed user supplied information.
$schedule  : Schedule
The complete current schedule details. This may not match the schedule as created because: - some types of schedule specs may get compiled into others (e.g. CronString into StructuredCalendarSpec) - some unspecified fields may be replaced by defaults - some fields in the state are modified automatically - the schedule may have been modified by UpdateSchedule or PatchSchedule
$searchAttributes  : EncodedCollection
Indexed info that can be used in query of List schedules APIs.


$conflictToken read-only

This value can be passed back to UpdateSchedule to ensure that the schedule was not modified between a Describe and an Update, which could lead to lost updates and other confusion.

public string $conflictToken

$schedule read-only

The complete current schedule details. This may not match the schedule as created because: - some types of schedule specs may get compiled into others (e.g. CronString into StructuredCalendarSpec) - some unspecified fields may be replaced by defaults - some fields in the state are modified automatically - the schedule may have been modified by UpdateSchedule or PatchSchedule

public Schedule $schedule

$searchAttributes read-only

Indexed info that can be used in query of List schedules APIs.

public EncodedCollection $searchAttributes

The key and value type must be registered on Temporal server side. Use GetSearchAttributes API to get valid key and corresponding value type. For supported operations on different server versions see .

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