
in package


ActivityInfo contains information about currently executing activity.

Use Activity::getInfo() to access.

Table of Contents


$attempt  : int
Attempt starts from 1, and increased by 1 for every retry if retry policy is specified.
$deadline  : DateTimeInterface
Time of activity timeout
$heartbeatTimeout  : DateInterval
Maximum time between heartbeats. 0 means no heartbeat needed.
$id  : string
An ID of the activity. This identifier can be used to complete the activity through `complete` method.
$scheduledTime  : DateTimeInterface
Time of activity scheduled by a workflow
$startedTime  : DateTimeInterface
Time of activity start
$taskQueue  : string
$taskToken  : string
A correlation token that can be used to complete the activity through `complete` method.
$type  : ActivityType
Type (name) of the activity.
$workflowExecution  : WorkflowExecution|null
$workflowNamespace  : string
$workflowType  : WorkflowType|null


__construct()  : mixed
ActivityInfo constructor.






Attempt starts from 1, and increased by 1 for every retry if retry policy is specified.

public int $attempt = 1


Time of activity timeout

public DateTimeInterface $deadline


Maximum time between heartbeats. 0 means no heartbeat needed.

public DateInterval $heartbeatTimeout


Time of activity scheduled by a workflow

public DateTimeInterface $scheduledTime


Time of activity start

public DateTimeInterface $startedTime


public string $taskQueue = \Temporal\Worker\WorkerFactoryInterface::DEFAULT_TASK_QUEUE


public string $workflowNamespace = 'default'



ActivityInfo constructor.

public __construct() : mixed

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